Literature on Estonian newsreels

Here we list literature that tackles Estonian newsreels or closely related topics.

  • Ibrus, Indrek and Maarja Ojamaa. “Newsreels versus newspapers versus metadata. A comparative study of metadata modelling the 1930s in Estonia.” VIEW Journal of European Television History & Culture, vol 7 issue 14/2018: 1-15
  • Miil, M. 2014. Nõukogude propagandasüsteemi toimimine ajakirjanduse argipraktikate kaudu [Functioning of the Soviet propaganda system through everyday journalistic practices], PhD dissertation, Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus – Tartu University Press. DOI:
  • Näripea, E. (2020) A very short history of the Estonian film archive, Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 11:2, 219-222, DOI: 10.1080/2040350X.2020.17321562020. 
  • Näripea, Eva. “Estonian Cinescapes: Spaces, Places and Sites in Soviet Estonian Cinema (and Beyond).” PhD Thesis. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2011. 
  • Sibul, K. 2016. Interpreting in Estonia in a geopolitically changed Europe (1944-1991). The Interpreters’ Newsletter Vol 21, 17-31. DOI: 10.13137/1591-4127/13728 
  • Treufeldt, Indrek. “Television News in the 1950s: New Medium in the Service of Soviet Power and Society.” Baltic Screen Media Review, no. 1 (2013): 44–64.
  • Veldi, Martti, Simon Bell, and Friedrich Kuhlmann. “Five-Year Plan in Four: Kolkhoz Propaganda in Film and Documentaries in Estonia.” SHS Web of Conferences 63 (2019): 10002.
  • Västrik, Riho. “Constructing National Identity in Soviet Estonian  Documentary Cinema: A Case Study of the Documentary Ruhnu (1965) by Andres Sööt.” Baltic Screen Media Review, no. 3 (2015): 4–29.