Welcome to Kinokroonika

Welcome to Kinokroonika! This website is dedicated to Estonian newsreels. It allows users to explore the history of Estonian newsreels in the 20th century through a selection of vizualisations and queries.


Here are the visualisations that our team has put together.
Take a look on the different ways you can study the newsreel data!

Selected queries

Explore these topics and the way they change the visualisations. You can also use Search to explore your own selected topics.

Word Cloud

See which words were used to describe newsreels in differnet years.

Film-maker Networks

Explore how film-makers collaborated with each other.


See which places were mentioned in newsreels.


Investigate visual similarities of newsreel images with machine learning.

The Kinokroonika Exploration Project. Computational Data Enrichment and Distant Viewing of Estonian Newsreels (1922-1997) is funded by the Estonian Language and Culture in the Digital Age (EKKD), a national program of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia for April 2022-February 2023 (funding no EKKD77).

It is part of the Newsreel collaboration of the European Commission Horizon2020 research and innovation programme ERA Chair for Cultural Data Analytics CUDAN (Project no 810961).

Collection Space Navigator

The Collection Space Navigator is a tool that allows exploring the frames of the newsreels in different ways. The tool uses machine learning to recognize visual similarities between frames and identify objects that are prevalent in the frames. It is possible to sort the frames based on similarities and visualise them in different perspectives. In addition, the user can filter the frames through features like publication time, newsreel authors, or detected objects. The Collection Space Navigator was developed by Tillmann Ohm, Mar Canet Solà, Andres Karjus and Maximilian Schich.