2 Tulemused

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2 Tulemused

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20 aastat Tallinna vabastamisest

Ringvaade “Nõukogude Eesti”, temaatiline





309.6 meters


Agnes Laos Negative cutter

Alo Hütt Lighter

Eevi Kiolein Editor

Enn Volt Lighter

Harri Rehe Cinematographer

Harri Martinson Cinematographer

Harry Tõnuri Music designer

Herbert Jõesalu Lighter

Hillar Üleoja 1st assistant camera

Inessa Kozlova Cinematographer

Ivar Trikkel Text author

Jaan Nõugast 1st assistant camera

Jüri Uppin Elder administrator

Leo Ilves Content editor

Naftali Itkin Elder administrator

Peeter Siim Lighter

Reet Kasesalu Director

Rein Lepik Announcer

Roland Tiik Lighter

Roman Sabsay Sound recordist-production sound mixer

Tanel Lään Lighter

Toomas Kirdelaht Cinematographer

Vitali Gorbunov Cinematographer

Vladimir Artjomenko Lighter

Vladimir Maak Cinematographer