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Eesti NSV maanoorte II spordimängud Viljandis

Ringvaade “Nõukogude Eesti”, temaatiline

Kunstiliste- ja Kroonikafilmide Tallinna Kinostuudio





Ants Simm 1st assistant camera

Eduard Eljas Director

Enn Leisson Driver

Harry Tõnuri Music designer

Henn Eller Sound recording assitant

Herman Vahtel Sound recordist-production sound mixer

Hillar Üleoja 1st assistant camera

Jaak Annok Elder administrator

Jaan Nõugast 1st assistant camera

Jüri Miller Announcer

Jüri Miller Text author

Leo Ilves Content editor

Toomas Kirdelaht Cinematographer

V. Heinsalu Driver

Vitali Gorbunov Cinematographer

Vladimir Žukov Cinematographer