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Armeenia NSV kunstinädal Eestis

Ringvaade “Nõukogude Eesti”, temaatiline





296.0 meters


A. Pekk Driver

Ado-Rein Täker Lighter

Aleksis Andres Väiso Lighter

Andres Sööt Cinematographer

Eduard Männamaa Driver

Enn Volt Lighter

Enn Säde Audio technician

Evald Vaher Cinematographer

Harri Rehe Cinematographer

Harry Tõnuri Music designer

Henn Neljand Sound recording assitant

Hillar Üleoja 1st assistant camera

Ivo Nutov Lighter

Jaak Jürida Lighter

Kaljo Nikker Lighter

Karl Levoll Elder administrator

Leo Ilves Text author

Ly Koik Announcer

Naftali Itkin Elder administrator

Õ. Kuuskmäe Driver

Peedu Ojamaa Content editor

Peeter Tooming 1st assistant camera

Rein Lepik Announcer

Roland Tiik Lighter

Roman Sabsay Sound recordist-production sound mixer

Toivo Juhkum 1st assistant camera

Toivo Juhkum Cinematographer

Tõnis Soovere Sound recording assitant

Toomas Kirdelaht Cinematographer

Ü. Tombak Driver

Valdur Õlle Driver

Valeria Anderson Director

Vello Samm Lighter

Vitali Sorokin Lighter

Vitali Gorbunov Cinematographer