1 Tulemused

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1 Tulemused

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Tõravere observatoorium

Ringvaade “Nõukogude Eesti”

Kunstiliste- ja Kroonikafilmide Tallinna Kinostuudio





Aleksander Palvar Lighter

Aleksandr Mandrõkin Director

Alo Hütt Lighter

Andres Arnover Lighter

B. Sirk Driver

Edel Raie Negative cutter

Eevi Kiolein Editor

Elfriede Ilves Announcer

Harry Tõnuri Music designer

Ivar Trikkel Text author

Jaak Annok Elder administrator

Leo Ilves Content editor

Mati Gulbin Lighter

Peedu Ojamaa Content editor

Peeter Tooming 1st assistant camera

Rein Lepik Announcer

T. Tomson Sound recordist-production sound mixer

Valdur Õlle Driver

Vladimir Maak Cinematographer